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Rising Star Forum

2018-05-20: Shanghai Hall





ACM China YSCA Founding Ceremony  



Panel Discussion


Mingxuan Ni (UM)

Tingting Liu (Tencent)

Hao Wang (bilibili)

Wu Liu (JD)

Jingtao Wang (Google Inc.)

Xiaofeng Gao (SJTU)

Yunfei Ma (MIT)

Lei Yang (PolyU)

Luoyi Fu (SJTU)


Tea Break



Learning Efficient Spatial-temporal Gait Features with Deep Learning for Human Identification

Wu Liu (JD)


The Future of Mobile Learning

Jingtao Wang (Google Inc.)


Coverage Problem in Mobile Perceptive Network

Xiaofeng Gao (SJTU)


Minding the Billions: Enabling Extreme Localization and Wide-Scale Communication in Low Power Internet of Things (IoT)

Yunfei Ma (MIT)


From High-Precision to High-Rate: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFIDs

Lei Yang (PolyU)


Optimal determination of source-destination connectivity in uncertain graphs

Luoyi Fu (SJTU)




Keynote Speakers

Wu Liu (北京邮电大学&京东AI研究院资深研究员)

Talk title: Learning Efficient Spatial-temporal Gait Features with Deep Learning for Human Identification
刘武,北京邮电大学,兼任京东AI研究院资深研究员,ACM未来计算协会创始委员。2015年博士毕业于中科院计算所。研究方向为多媒体与计算机视觉,在IEEE CVPR、ACM MM、IJCAI、AAAI、UBICOMP、IEEE T-MM、IEEE T-CYB等一流国际会议和期刊上发表文章30余篇。获得过中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖、中国科学院院长特别奖、国际会议IEEE ICME 2016 Best Student Paper、BIGCOM 2016 Runner Up for Best Paper、CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟科研基金优秀奖等,并入选2017年微软铸星计划。曾担任SCI期刊MTAP、MVA客邀编辑,国际会议BIGMM 2018宣传主席,ICIP 2017、PCM 2016等分会主席。


Jingtao Wang (Senior Research Scientist, Google Inc.)

Talk title: The Future of Mobile Learning
Dr. Jingtao Wang is a Senior Research Scientist at Google. His research interests include - perceptual mobile interfaces, intelligent user interfaces, interactive machine learning and educational technology. Before joining Google, Dr. Wang was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. He was the recipient of a Microsoft Azure for Research Award, a Google Faculty Research Award, and an ACIE Innovation in Education Award. Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley. He received both his bachelor and master degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University.


Xiaofeng Gao (Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Talk title: Coverage Problem in Mobile Perceptive Network
Dr. Xiaofeng Gao received the B.S. degree from Nankai University, China, in 2004, the M.S. degree from Tsinghua University, China, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Texas at Dallas, USA, in 2010. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. She has authored over 130 peerreviewed papers in the related area, including well-archived international journals, such as TON, TMC, JSAC, TPDS, TKDE, and also in well-known conference proceedings, such as INFOCOM, SIGKDD, and ICDE. Her research interests include data engineering and network optimizations. She has won the best paper awards five times, including DASFAA2017, ICPADS2016, etc., and served on the Editorial Board of Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications.


Yunfei Ma (Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Talk title: Minding the Billions: Enabling Extreme Localization and Wide-Scale Communication in Low Power Internet of Things (IoT)
Dr. Yunfei Ma is a postdoctoral associate at the MIT Media Lab, working with Prof. Fadel Adib. Before joining MIT, he received his PhD from Cornell University and BS from University of Science and Technology of China.


Lei Yang (Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Talk title: From High-Precision to High-Rate: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFIDs
Dr. YANG Lei is currently a Research Assistant Professor in Department of Computing from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Previously, he was a postdoc fellow in the School of Software, Tsinghua University. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2004 and 2014 respectively. He has published tens of papers at top conferences and journals, such as MobiCom, MobiHoc, SenSys, INFOCOM, TPDS, TMC, TON, and so on. He received the “Best Paper Award” in MobiCom’14, the “Best Paper Award” in MobiHoc’14, the “Best Video Award (Runner-up)” in MobiCom’16, and the “Best-In-Session Presentation Award” in INFOCOM’17. He received the “ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award (China)” in 2014.


Luoyi Fu (Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Talk title: Optimal Determination of Source-Destination Connectivity in Uncertain Graphs
Dr. Luoyi Fu received her B. E. degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2009 and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering in the same university in 2015. She is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research of interests are in the area of social networking and big data, scaling laws analysis in wireless networks, connectivity analysis and random graphs.Dr. Fu has won the Second Prize of Shanghai Technological Invention Award, 2016 ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award (2 awardees in China per year) and etc. She has published 28 representative journal and conference papers of CCF-A level, with 11 first-author papers and 2 ESI hotly cited ones. She also serves as the editor of China Communications and Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of several well-recognized international academic conferences such as ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM and etc.




Lionel M. Ni (Chair Professor and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Macau)

Lionel M. Ni is Chair Professor and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Macau (UM). Before joining UM in January 2015, he had served at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Michigan State University. His past career includes being Chief Scientist of China’s National Basic Research Program (973 Program) on wireless sensor networks, co-founder and CEO of CC&T Technologies, Inc., Michigan, and program director at the US National Science Foundation. The winner of eight best paper awards, with research papers cited over 30,000 times, his multiple achievements include ownership of 26 US/China patents and the graduation of 70 PhD students.


Tingting Liu (Director, University Relations, Tencent Co. Ltd.)

Tingting Liu currently works as a director of University Relations of Tencent, a leading provider of Internet value added services in China. In her role, she conducts the collaborative programs between industry with academia, and leads the strategy and execution for collaboration of top university and academia organizations in worldwide. Prior to joining Tencent, she worked at IBM as a senior manager of UR program. She is currently the member of IEEE Industry Engagement Committee. She received a M.S. degrees in Communications from Peking University in 2004.


Hao Wang (bilibili 主站技术中心总经理)

王昊,毕业于南京大学,加入 B 站后,负责主站技术中心 PGC 产品,B 端产品。曾历任百度基础架构部架构师,高级技术经理;网页搜索部副总监,移动应用部总监。是百度分布式存储领域的早期开创者,推动了百度分布式存储技术的自研,应用。也曾是移动搜索,手机百度等重要产品的负责人。